do corn snakes eat insects?

i got a corn snake and i just want to know if corn snakes eat any insects...if they do what kind of insects does it eat?


  • No they don't eat insects - pinkies/rats when they are big enough.

  • No, corn snakes do not eat any insects. You can buy frozen pinkie mice for a young corn snake at many pet stores . As it gets bigger just increase the size of the mouse for the snake.

  • No corn snakes eat mice. Young corn snakes eat pinky mice (baby) mice . Middle age snakes or younger depending on size will eat fuzzies (young mouse). Adult corn snakes will eat hoppers ( juvinile mouse) or full grown mice depending on size.

  • Cornsnakes eat mice and rats. The sizes depend on what age the corn is. You should have read up on these snakes before you brought one home; but since you haven't, start now. and are good places to read posts. However, I still say that questions as basic as "what does it eat" should have been confronted before now.

  • Hey

    No they eat mice and rats.

    The size depends on their size.

    Dont listen to other people having a go at you for buying it before you knew. We are here to ask and answer questions.

    Good Luck

    Hope I Helped .....

  • Nope.. No insects at all. Just rodents of various sizes, such as mice, rats and gerbils.

  • it depends what insect for example are corn snakes eat crickets.

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  • No,they need mice and rats.Get the frozen ones and thaw them in warm water.Of course you have to get the correct size for the snake.

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