do certain foods affect our dreams?
what i mean is, is there a food that may cause nightmares or good dreams. i know that dreams are part of our lives and they are like therapy coz our minds and subconcious is trying to solve issues or address them but i was also wondering if there had been studies or anything done to prove that eating a certain food is most likely to have an influence in your dreams
Here's a link to one study:
When I was younger I was always warned that cheese before bed would give me nightmares. (Is it true? Who know's I was also told if the wind changes my face would stay like the face I was pulling!)
Not related, but a few years back when giving up smoking using nicotine patches, they gave me some crazy vivid dreams, and I heard a few people with that experience.
Personally? Peanuts/peanut butter. I had some peanuts tonight. Said to h*** with the nightmares. Yup. Peanuts cause me to have intense vivid dreams. Some bad, some good. I love 'em [the peanuts, that is.] but, they aren't something that I eat all the time. Nightmares suck!
not sure about foods but when i sleep on my back i have a bunch of dreams, usually crazy ones. and if i take something before bed, like tylenol, i have wild and crazy dreams. i never really eat close to bed time though, so the food doesn't affect me that way.
I know that If you eat too much meat before bed time you will have nightmares and dream about monsters in your dream!
Yes! Eating cheese before bed makes you have more vivid dreams. I'm not sure about any other foods, though.
Yeah cheese contains tryptophan which is broken down by the body into serotonin, and serotonin is the neurotransmitter that controls dreams, so like SSRIs tryptophan enhances serotonin metabolism which will result in effecting your dreams.
Fresh parsley. It comes in bunches. Put a bunch of it into the juicer and add some sprite. Then drink. Your dreams will be really weird.
i really only know that eating chocolate right before bed can cause nightmares and really, really weird dreams.
Beans tend to cause me to dream I am a choo-choo train.