Party Problem??

Okay here is my problem, my best friend and I are having a joint B-day party, you know like a party for both of us.

Well we were making up the guest list and I said I wanted to invite this girl i talk to in science sometimes come to find out that she's my best friend's niece! Long story short, I want to invite the girl, but i'm afraid it will be awkward because my best friend doesn't get along with her niece's mother (her half sister) , what do i do???


yes, but the girl's mother hates my best friend and doesn't want her daughter having anything to do with her and I'm afraid if she finds out the party is for my best friend too she will cause a scene (something my best friend says she has done in the past)


  • Well, the half sister isn't invited is she? Just because she doesn't like her mom doesn't mean you can't invite her.

  • She's your friend, invite her, it's not like your are inviting her mother.

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