Am I depressed? Do I have a problem?

Am I depressed? Or is this just a phase? I used to be a really optimistic and overall happy person but for the past 2-3 years, I've become very pessimistic. I have many issues with my parents, I lost all my friends 2 years ago, last summer I went through a traumatic break up with my ex, I have no motivation for anything anymore, school grades have dropped significantly, I'm always tired and sleeping, I cry everynight, I used to have a eatin disorder which I regress to from time to time, etc. Is this all a part of growing up and being a teenager (Im 17)? or do I have depression problems that need to be addressed?


  • Its part of growing up now if you start having suicidal thoughts then it needs to be addressed. Although teenagers tend to have suicidal thoughts there are those who are willing to do it and those who arent and eventually get better. I would suggest trying to do something you love but you have no motivation for anything so it might be difficult. I can also suggest to find a friend but its easier said than done and sometimes a friend is not a true friend and ends up making things worse.

  • Is there a detailed tuition you pass to? I'm lovely certain there are a few homosexual men there. And you do not wish to decide on up a few random man at a bar. Date a NICE GUY! Someone with a truly schooling. Not a Man whore.

  • You are depressed. The best thing to do though, is ditch the pills. Find things that make you feel better. My cousin was on depression pills and ended up committing suicide. I write. This is how i make myself feel better, like I have a place in the world. Find things like talents, singing. Things that make you feel more like you.

  • Stress and anxiety take a toll on the body and the mind. At your age everyone trying to brainwash you would be par for the course, and without really knowing you.

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