Class A Dress Blue Braided Cords?

OK my husband has a formal Army Ball and he is authorized for the Red Calvary Braided Cord and the Blue Infantry Braided Cord. We have looked in every manual possible and asked his new Reserve Unit and they have no idea. Can he wear both since they go on opposite shoulders or can he only wear one at a time?


  • A few points of clarification:

    - there is no such uniform as the "Class A Dress Blue"; we wear the Army Service Uniform (ASU), as both a service and a dress uniform depending on the type of tie worn

    - the word is "Cavalry"; Calvary is where Jesus did his thing

    - there is no such thing as a "Red Calvary (or Cavalry) Braided Cord; even if there was, it would not be red as that is the color for Artillery or Engineers depending on the shade of red; yellow is the color of Cavalry

    - no matter what color we are talking about, there is only one Branch-colored shoulder cord - and that is the baby blue Infantry cord

    - the only way he is authorized to wear the blue Infantry cord (along with the blue lapel discs and blue cap disc) is if he is an 11-series MOS Soldier

    So - bottom line: no such thing as a red shoulder cord - this is why you cannot find anything in a manual; he must be an 11-Series MOS to wear the blue cord.

    I think that someone in your Husband's past has been feeding him a line of crap.

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