Do you prefer PC or PS3 gaming?

I have both but want to know what to play on mostly.


  • PC Gamer, though the PS3 is def a step in the right direction for consoles, but the PC will always be ahead in terms of gameplay, graphics etc. I thought the ability to MOD UT3 on the PS3 was a good idea, but its still in its infancy and no where near the level of PC games. If the PS3 changed its pad, then I might get one, as the Dual Shock tends to cramp up my fingers after a hour of playing, whilst over pads and Keyboard/Mouse do not.

    Also with games developers making games for PC's and Consoles it means that a £600 PC can last 3 years (like mine) without any upgrades because they make a game for the console then port it over, so even though I don't have a great graphics card I can still play games at a level higher than the 360 or PS3. Probably won't need to upgrade till sometime next year and that's only because I want to, not because I need to. PC gaming isn't as costly as it used to be and in the 3/4 year cycle of consoles it works out cheaper because you save so much money on games. especially with Steams sales that reduce brand new games from £30 to £10 or less. You tend to pay on average £10-25 less than the console version. If you buy 100 games for console you will save an average of £1000 or more in that 3/4 year cycle which would pay for a new PC or tons more games.

  • I think the old days when the PC games were better are long gone, now the Consoles have as much power as the PC's

  • I usually use consoles because I'm too cheap to upgrade graphics cards every 18 months to get the best framerate from new games.

  • PS3, just because of the better sound quality I can get.

  • i love the ps3 better graphics and way louder

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