How do i write a poem about myself?

I have to write a poem about myself. I don't know how to do this. I have to read it to the class.


  • Start by describing yourself, be detailed use language that is fresh:

    My hair is like cotton candy, frizz and sweet and flyaway

    stuck to my head, purple I'm grape and sour and happy

    fly away. I'm tall like an egret and awkward. When I study

    I'm the owl, but at home a pussycat safe to be me.

    compare and contrast things people know and it makes it easier to see you. Have fun. Remember, poetry does not have to be true, just leaning toward it.

  • Think of words and phrases that describe you-- generally and specifically. For example, you could go form your hair or head, down to your facial features, to your strength and muscles maybe, and so on. Just write down those things. Then, put together a poem from those words and details.

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