Ready Made Family?

Would you ladies/gentleman date a women/man who already had children. If so, what number of children would be your limit?


  • I married a woman who has three kids. I think being a step dad is wonderful.

  • It's hard to put a limit on the number of children you are willing to accept.

    I have heard horror stories were even one or two children threaten the new parent. It really depends on how selfish you want to be (not meaning that in a bad way).

    I think a good question to ask is would you be willing to date a person who has children with multiple partners. Unfortunately I have witnessed a couple of women who have like 5 kids by 5 different dads. I would say if I were single and looking I would steer away from a man that had kids with more than one partner.I would also steer away from someone whose ex wanted to hang around all the time.

  • This type of question bothers me! I am a single mother and purposely didn't date for 10 years after I had my daughter. My self-esteem was so low because my own mother often said no man worth anything is going to want to date a ready made family. I had to learn and understand what I could bring to the relationship, what I was worth and to let them know that we (my daughter and I) were like a cupcake, I was the cake and she was my cream. I got a wonderful guy, who is an executive and he adopted her and treats her like she is his own, but more importantly she treats him as though he is her very own daddy. She is now in college and the love is still their. Now you have to look at your own individual situation..If you are the girl, how many babies mama's are involved more than one, proceed with caution. More than two, keep on walking! Remember, in some states once you marry a significant other your incomes become one and the judge will deduct the child support from that one income.

  • I would most definately date a man with children. You can learn a lot about a man by how he interacts with his kids. The number of children is no object if the man is a good and fair father and has considerable potential to be "the one".

  • Yes. The number of children would not be a concern. What is the root of your question though...what do you really want to know?

  • children should not be the issue if you truly want some one then you should be able to take the whole package and deal with it there is no limit on lve is there if you set a limit then you need to stay alone.

  • ok well the ready made thing is hard cuz the baby mama drama but if shes not a bitc% it might work. Personally from bad experiences I will NEVER do that again

  • I would. it really doesnt matter if someone has kids or not. its about who they are, I mean a lot of people think if someone has kids they are looking for another parent in the household. This is not always true. Some people with kids are just looking for someone for them...Not a parent for the kids..

  • We can't decide that for you, only you know if you have enough love to give to take on someone else's children. They deserve love and if you are not capable of that, then stay out of it and don't cause the inevitable hurt to them.

  • no thanx... UMM I already tried it he had 3 kids.. but I mean you cant be in a relationship with them becuz they Are going to **ck their baby mama... In my opinion... and the girl might not want you around her kids and shyt.. but it is really complicated .... Its like now I may be a attracted to a man but as soon as he says he has a baby it a turn off! immediatly!!!! ugh! just no.... i rather me and my man be on the same level as far as they baby thing goes.... Unless I already had one. only THEN COULD WE DATE OR SOMETHING.

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