No Uproar???

I don't hear any uproar on here when Christians just killed innocent civilians in Iraq (raided their homes and shot whoever was there...women, men, and children)...yet if Muslims were to protest cartoons, there's hatred on here against them. What's the deal?

(I don't condone either...)


To Love is the Principal Thing:

I completely agree with you. If they were truly Christians they wouldn't do that. Well, if these suicide bombers/terrorists were truly Muslim they wouldn't do that.


  • Remember the Abu Ghraib photos and the "outrage about the outrage"? Some US politicians were angry that people were offended by pictures of innocent Iraqis being tortured. (To those who disagree, how many Iraqis have been convicted of terrorism? Zero, the same as your score on an ethics test.)

    Haditha is but the tip of the iceberg, there have been war crimes perpetrated by the US military for three years. The US used WMDs indiscriminately in Falujja last November against the Iraqis:

    Not two days ago, the US killed 20-25 Afghani women and children, saying "We think we killed 80 or so Taliban, so that justifies it". They don't even know *if* they killed any Taliban members, never mind how many. But they certainly know how many babies they murdered.

    The reality is, the US military and government are guilty of war crimes and waged war under false pretenses. Unless the US economy collapses completely rendering the government impotent, chances are the murders of anywhere from 50,000-400,000 innocent Iraqis and Afghanis will go unpunished.

    However, since the US economy *IS* on the verge of collapse, justice may come to pass. Foreign governments, businesses and banks have been selling US currency and bonds in droves for months. (The US dollar has lost about 20-25% of its value in the last two years.) The only reason the US dollar hasn't plummetted further is the US government is buy all that currency and bonds and that oil is still bought in dollars, not Euros.

    Combined with the growing debt and foreign creditors demanding payment, expect the US dollar to be worth LESS than the Canadian dollar by year's end. (In 2002, Can$1 = US$0.63 Today, Can$1 = US$0.90.)

  • At the end of the day I believe religion is the cause of most of the heartache in the world today (and this has been the same since the world began). Everyone, whether they are Christian, Muslim etc all believe their religion is THE religion. Therefore they feel other religions are wrong. This is why a lot of religious people are so self-riteous. I just dont agree with anyone killing anyone. I dont care what their religion is. They are all people and should not go around killing and starting wars.

  • Because it seems that in america as of late, war has almost become a source of population control in the middle east, and is therefore condoned by at least 3/4th of the country, sad as that may be. If women and children die, they are called collateral damage, and all is swept under the rug as quickly as possible. What a sad time we live in. If all of these leaders and generals want to fight, I say they can fight and kill each other and leave the innocent people alone.

  • Actually, it isn't possible for any murder to be Christian. They may claim they are, but at the very moment they cease to follow Christ, (decide to do something like that: long before the act is committed) They are not Christians anymore (if, they ever were in the first place). And as far as I know there is no group that finds it anywhere in the New Testament that a behavior like that is a Christian value.

  • They did not know that there were innocent people in there. Quit judging. Some times in war bad things happen to good people. I'm sorry about that but it happens, and when it does it is a mistake, not like 911, which was on purpose. So don't compare a mistake to genocide.

  • You can't put the blame on Christians. It was a terribly wrong decision that was made, and those who participated will be prosecuted.

    Why aren't you outraged by the civilians who are killed by the car bombers every day?

  • Why should there be one. Like it or not, most American Christians feel that this war is a Crusade against the "evils of Islam." Its sad, but true. I actually hadn't heard about this until now, so I will be investigating it.

  • not every American is Christian. Our country is based on Christian princples, but even these are under attack. Most Americans condemn what happned in Hadith even if it's during the time of war. I hope you also condemn the jihadist tht truly don't discriminate as vehemently.

  • Let's wait for the verdict first lest we be barking on the wrong tree. It still falls under suspicion not confirmation. The truth will eventually come out.

  • It's because it's nothing new in America. People think it's cool when someone gets blown up in a movie, so they're desensitised (sp?) to it. It's because we're retarded Americans :)

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