Excessive sentence? Who do I contact?

8 yr. sentence for 1st time probation violation due to dirty unrine. Had 3 jobs, a halfway house, drug program, letters from college etc. at parole hearing but got declined..He has a class D felony but was sentenced based on class A felony time... Who do I speak to in TN for excessive sentencing


- no priors - drugs were solely for personal use and I had a lawyer

Update 3:

original sentence was for 5 grams of coke.


  • If the old man didn't get any time he might have been an informant.

  • You can get an attorney and appeal the sentence. That is ALL that you can do.

    It is called sentencing guide lines. If that is what they scored out to than that is what they got.

    Obviously this person had many priors and other issues and it was an obvious serious case they were on probation for.

    And when they were put on probation they knew exactly what the stipulations were and exactly what would happen if they violated it.

    Sad, but its the truth. Call a lawyer. It is all that you can do.


    You giving everyone a thumbs down just because you don't like the truth in the answers is surely not a help. Would you rather we lied to you? OK, here goes:

    YES... that's wrong... the poor man was a victim of society. He didn't commit a crime... society failed him! We should open the prisons and let them all free! Laws are a joke and the police are evil.

    There... feel better?

  • You can try contacting your Congressman. However, you need to realize that he was already sentenced and on probation prior to his violation, which means he was given a first chance. In fact he was given a first chance being charged on a Class A felony instead of the Class D. He failed to prove that he would abide by the rules and regulations of his probation, and he was therefore sentenced accordingly. I am not sure this was a case of excessive sentencing, just a judge who is sick and tired of dealing with people like this. Maybe the time he will spend behind bars will do him some good.

  • Speak to his attorney and find out the reason for the sentence.

    Probably he is sentenced to the maximum of the range he was sentenced to before, but placed on probation instead. Now he has to do the time.

    Doesn't mean he will do 8 yers though. Probably paroled in 3. and I bet he won't make the mistake of using again when he is :)

  • This is the second time you've posted the same message. You only received one answer and then you got violent with me in a private email. My opinion stands. If he did the crime, he needs to do the time. Personally, I think rather than sitting behind bars, sex offenders should have certain parts of their anatomy permanently removed without anesthetic . . . THEN sit in jail for the rest of their lives. Hopefully someone in the prison system made him come to understand what it's like to have unwanted sexual relations forced on him.

  • Here is your answer "probation violation due to dirty unrine" he was released and did not adhere to the conditions so now he has to do the whole time.

    Maybe next time he will stay straight.

  • been around for over 40 years and never had a drug bust or "dirty urine" why do you think that most people wouldn't say "busted three times for drugs, 8 years, okay" and do not even try to say this was the only three times in your life you were around drugs. coke, pot. sit back and follow the rules and 8 years will go be quickly.

  • He got probation for the offense, and knowingly used illegal drugs while on probation. Save your money. There IS nobody to talk to.

  • That is not an excessive sentence, that is his ORIGINAL sentence.

    If you get out on probation it is because you promise to go straight. He didn't, so he does his original time.

  • He needs to talk to his lawyer. Of course, there may be more to the case than you are aware.

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