Do You Think I Deserved This Punishment?

My older sister and I got into a huge verbal argument. I became fed up and called her a f**king c**t and she got mad as hell. She dragged me by the arm to the kitchen sink and pinned me against it . She grabbed the bottle of Palmolive dish liquid, and forced some of that horrid stuff in my mouth. When I was able to get away I ran to the bathroom and did my best to rinse out my mouth; by adding water it made it foam up more. I still can't get this horrible taste out of my mouth; I've been rinsing it for hours.


  • Seems a bit extreme!!

    I think it could have been handled a bit differently. I have a sister and we have never resorted to washing up liquid!

  • You know what that was a horrible name to call somebody! Listen, I still go by that great rule we all learned in kindergarten, "Treat others the way you would like to be treated," Now what you did was wrong but I think what your sister did was equally wrong, remember two wrongs don't make a right and if you fight fire with fire all you get is a bigger fire. Sorry for all the saying they just make sense, now I think what you did was really mean but pinning you to the sink and making you eat soap was nasty and disgusting, what if you had to go to the hospital? Well honey just remember think before you speak and watch your sister's behavior! :-) I hope this helped. BTW try eating a bananna to get rid of the taste.


  • You should appologize to your sister for the foul words you called her, that's much worse than soap. In return, you should let her know that the soap thing was terrible and let her know what you would prefer her to do as the proper punishment next time you use foul language, instead of Palmolive.

  • LOL well you got your just deserts although i personally put it down to CLASSIC SIBLING RIVALRY my sister and I used to fight and call each other names and all that stuff....just next time be a bit more diplomatic with what you say and to whom you say it. I am sure one day you will get her back by doing something just as unkind.

  • Actions are more important than words. She is the lesser person because of that, but you both should try to work it out before it gets out of hand next time.

  • Absolutely. Those are filthy words that should never be said to anyone let alone your own sister. You're lucky she didn't beat the living crap out of you. I would have.

  • Haha very fitting punishment, washing your mouth out with soap!! My mother threatened me with that for years!!

  • That is a horrible name to call anyone. You deserved it and maybe will learn from it!

  • next time just simply say to her..."Can't Understand Nothing Today" hence, avoiding (the intrusive, insightful, and most of the time) the dreaded "C" you follow me? lol

  • Next time watch what you say!

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