Scoliosis Problem: Swim or Pom?

I just had scoliosis surgery in April and I am going into high school and interested in doing a sport I am debating between Swimming and Pom. I have a liking to both of them, and I just need some help picking my path?


  • This is a personal choice, not something people online can choose for you.

    Can you do both? Do you have any restrictions from your surgery that would limit your participation in either sport?

  • I also had scoliosis surgery, when i was 11 im now 16. I was worried about the same thing. Im unsure of what pom is but swimming is apsolutley fine. Just make sure that you dont choose a sport that is going to put to much strain on your back, or that could injure you. After my surgery i became a lifeguard. I pushed myself to the highest level because i didnt want my scoliois to keep my from doing things i love. Im sure your doctor told you not to do this and that. But do what you think you can handle, and what you think is ok. Good luck, any other questions email me :)

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