Can a pregnancy test give a false positive?
My husband and I have been trying to have a baby for about a year now. I miscarried two years ago. I haven't had a period since June 6th and have had some signs like, breast itching, nausea, and gas. I took a pregnancy test and it was questionable. The positve line wasn't dark at all. So I disregarded it, the very next morning I took another one and this time the line was definite. My husband saw the line aswell. I took one test each morning the following three days and they were negative. Is it more likely that I am not far along enough or that it was a false positive? And if I am just not that far along, why would it have shown up at all? I did take a digital and it came out negative but when I took it, it was in the late evening. If I were having an early miscarriage wouldn't I be bleeding before the hcg levels would decrease? Another issue is that I can't get a blood test done because my insurance doesn't go into effect for another month.
Different pregnancy tests measure different amounts of the pregnancy hormone hcg. Most likely you are pregnant since you did have 2 positives. It doesnt matter how faint the line is a positive is a positive. Go to the store and get one of the early ones. They say on the box they test 5 or so days before your missed period. You can also go to a clinic like planned parenthood and have the test done for free. Good luck
A line is a line. If you get 1 positive test your pregnant. It's possible that certain test you took was just more sensitive than the others. With my current pregnancy I took a test on a Friday afternoon and I had a extremely faint positive line. I took tests the following 2 days and they were all negative. Took another one on the morning of the 3rd day and it was positive. I'm in my 6th month of pregnancy now. Congrats! Happy and Healthy 9 months to you!!!
ps. Call your Dr. for blood work!
You are customarily pregnant-- False positives are infrequent in view that a experiment can simplest be optimistic if it choices up the being pregnant hormone to your urine. You have taken a number of unique manufacturers, in order that might be side of the difficulty-- every experiment has unique sensitivity stages and if you're very early on, a few exams which can be much less touchy could deliver you a poor studying. And are you utilising your first morning urine whenever you have confirmed, or a minimum of maintaining it for four hours earlier than taking an additional experiment? If no longer-- your hormones might not be focused ample to your urine to choose up on a experiment. Dilution too can purpose fake negatives-- like for those who attempted to drink plenty of water so that you could must pee once more instantly. In brief-- False negatives are MUCH extra ordinary than fake positives!
you can go into a free clinic and get a test done too but like I said in your last question, A very faint positive line is still a positive test.
and it is very rare to get a false positive and more common to get a false negative.
good luck
Wow thats a difficult one to answer. It's nearly impossible to get a false positive. It's far more likely that you can get a false negative. I really don't know what to tell you other than to wait a few days an take another.
yes it can!
A lady on a show had all tests come up negative,
her stomach didn't even grow,
she actually lost weight.
And nine months later,
she's in labor not knowing what's happening.
So be VERY aware.
Wait for that insurance,
and get tested.
i had a negitive test when i was pregnant and i ended being 3 months pregnat so you can be
good luck
my friend got a flase positive before and it was because she peed on the stick should pee in a cup and dip it before you pour the rest of the pee on the stick and remember to hold the stick in a downward position,.....good luck
Either you miscarried early or you miscarried early!!!! i hope you get the answer you would like soon.
no not false-positive......... your pregnant