Who hates Contador as much as I do?

I hope he has a serious mechanical in the time trial and Schleck steamrollers right over him in the overall standings. Anyone agree?


  • Why do you hate him so much? He's worked hard to be in the situation he's in. And people are giving him crap about riding on after Schleck's chain came off, but he just took advantage of the situation/

  • Contador has waited for others in the past, including Schleck. You should know that last year Contador was abandoned by his team since they cared more about Armstrong's 3rd place than his 1st place. It was all because Armstrong would get more money with his publicity. Anyway, nothing against Armstrong, I'm just saying Contador is a pretty great guy and he forgave Astana and still became really good. And another thing, I bet you he will by far take more than those 31 seconds he needed in the crono! And one last thing, the chain coming off is Schleck's fault. He must have switched gears like an idiot.

  • yea something abiout him i just dont trust. he seems like he would be a weirdo out of cycling and im not sure if he purposefully attacked schleck today or not. i mean he accelerated right past schleck while he was 1. not pedaling, 2. almost stopped and 3. going off to the side of the road. i mead it looked pretty clear that he had a problem, he hadent hit the wall yet.

    i am never a fan of the heavy favored person to win any event so by default i want someone else to win. but schleck is pissed and maybe he will drop contador in the mountains, by 2 minutes, then maybe have enough to win it all..

  • I dont like Contrador's personality traits but his bike skills are outstanding. There were no written rules violated just a common courtesy among the pro riders. Andy Schleck is in the White now & has many Tours ahead of him. Contrador is slightly older & may feel this is his only chance. Look at Floyd Landis - he cheated to win. Not everyone can be like Lance & win 6. A win of the Tour de France is unique - once in a lifetime for most. Lance with 6 is remarkable.

  • I don't hate him, but I do think he's incredibly arrogant. As a rule, I never like to see the arrogant win or succeed...

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