Is this a serious problem?

I don't know what I've done but my computer is totally messed up.

Upon start up I get just a blank screen with the cursor showing. When it decides to start properly there's a message saying my profile couldn't be opened properly, some features may be unavailable and to check that the profile exists. It's desperately slow and erratic. Avast is constantly analysing the same suspicious program which is impossible to delete, and the internet bar at bottom has disappeared.

When I turn off I am reminded that a program is running and preventing windows from shutting down properly. The computer also freezes.

I am at my wits end with this stupid machine and would like some help as to how to resolve the problem.

Any solution will be greatly appreciated and I thank anyone in advance who decides to help.

Thank you.


Dear Timbuck,

I haven't the foggiest clue as to what you're talking about


  • haha well yeah we all get viruses every now and then... oh wait when did i get a virus that 3rd time .... was it about 3 or 4 years ago no i am NOT kidding and whats helped me to stay immune to computer viruses is this file here well it will definately get you started don't reformat yet and see if it runs well i promise i bypasses windows so you don't have to run the virus again when you boot that is , unless you boot into windows again ok

    what you do is this -- just open that file and where it says install size just put in 4 or 5 or 7 and then big part here where it says desktp style or something choose Xubuntu NOT ubuntu pick Xubuntu and your computer should FLY after you restart when it installs itself and you keep windows intact and you should really defrag your hard drive and then if you don't like this program remove it in 4 seconds but you have a virus so it may take 5 seconds haha

    but if you want you can run this when you reformat too it would work a lot faster

    and be sure to defrag your hard drive after you run the Xubuntu installer just boot into windows and defrag it and this can serve as a nice backup if windows starts acting like this again

  • It looks like you have been affected by some sort of Malware. Your best bet is to have your stuff backed up and then have the computer formatted and get Windows reinstalled afresh.

    There are ways of fixing things but they can be messy, time consuming and sometimes unfruitful!

  • You've got a virus. Reformat that mofo if you're lazy like me lol. Keep in mind you'll lose the data on that disk.

  • Try restoring it to factory default... it should delete all the files on it, but any personal documents will be lost so try backing up whatever you wanna keep, before you try...

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