Is increased CM a pregnancy symptom?
I KNOW I am not ovulating right now so that can't be the cause of the cm. My bbt went way up on the 16th and has stayed up so far. Usually after I ovulate, I am dry until a few days before my period where I get slightly wet. 2-3 days after I ovulated I had some cm (more than usual) and today (6dpo) I have a lot. Does this happen with pregnancy or is it normal and I have just never noticed it before?
when i was preg (years back) i got alot of CM put it was more .....creamy-ish white (sorry tmi i know) unfortunately i had a miscarriage, but yes that is a pregnancy symptom, i wish you the best
Unfortunately, neither CM nor cervical texture or function are nontoxic signs of early being pregnant. Lotiony, sticky, or creamy CM is common after ovulation whether or not pregnant or now not. The cervix will finally transfer prime and end up smooth in being pregnant, however now not till a lot in a while. Good success to you!