My Labrador dog is pregnant ?

Can anybody help on how I can prepare and don't say spay because it's to late


  • How can your Labrador Retriever be pregnant if she had puppies yesterday?;_ylt=At8Fa...

    Fail, troll.

  • Good job, the dog can give birth herself, unless she's too tired then you must gently help out. The dog licks the sacs so the dogs can breath. Leave the dog in an enclosed area when her water breaks also ask the vet when the water will break. Don't bother her too much when she has puppies. Then the vet should explain how to take care of the puppies. Watch some youtube births, and consult the vet

  • The only preparation you have to do now is find future homes for the puppies....sometimes dogs can have complications with labor so call a vet and ask what to do when she goes into labor..

  • No, it isn't too late to spay. You can abort the litter and spay at the same time, which is what I suggest. She should have been spayed before this could happen.


    Nice catch, Hector!

  • Get ready for puppies. Set up a pin for them to play in and a crate to sleep in.


    Read all of these thoroughly. Thank you for further ruining my breed.

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