Do I Have A Problem or a Disorder?

- i have trouble reading, and it takes me forever to read a paragraph. i have to re-read every sentence to understand it, cause my brain won't understand it the first time

- i do badly in school because i can't pay attention in class

- i always lose my homework

- i fail almost every one of my tests

- i cant study for tests because i hate doing things that take a lot of concentration and that take alot of effort and thinking

- i lose things

- i forget to do things

- i forget alot

- i cant stay focused on anything for more than 5 minutes

- i zone out alot

- i have a really short fuse

- and i cannot pay attention

Is this some sort of problem or disorder?! please help!!!



  • You need to focus anad concentrate. It takes practice and it takes work.

    You must study if you expect to pass tests.

    Nobody likes things that take a "lot of concentration and theat take alot of effort and thinking," it's just that we hate the consequences of not doing those things even worse.

    You must get organized if you are to get your homework to your teacher.

    Your comprehension, snetence structure and spelling are perfect. You paid attention lonbg enough to get on Y!A, figure out how to use it, post in the right section, post a proper question, and construct the list of complaints. People with ADHD can't.

    Stop making excuses. You are not describing sickness but a bit of laziness.

  • i think you undoubtedly shouldn't have what men and women might name ordinary dozing behavior. I'm sixteen. (feminine.) I feel I have a equivalent factor. for probably a million or a million a million/two years, I have both now not slept or slept very quick hours, say, a million or two hours a night time. The medical professionals to start with stated that i would be over-worn out, or that it used to be strain. I additionally have got to manipulate hyperventilation from strain usually. I anticipate it is whatever to do with that. I refused remedy, I'm frightened of taking drugs, and that i do not just like the notion of feasible part-results. feasible factors could also be, exersise exercises, consuming behavior, strain like me (however i doubt that it might maintain for that lengthy.) or might be your worry of the darkish makes you get up??

  • It could be a lot of things. Dyslexia and ADHD or ADD comes to mind. You should consider seeing your doctor or talking to a counselor (school counselor is fine) about these things. Nip them in the bud before they get worse.

  • I really think this sort of stuff should be left to a shrink.

  • it might be dislexia (this makes letters jumbled and mumbled)

    and you also might have ADHD

    but im not shure you should see a doc kuz only they can perscribe you.

    best of luck :D

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