Is excessive peeing a pregnancy symptom?

My girlfriend let me know that she is constantly peeing, and we are worried that it might be from her being pregnant. But we barely had sex 2 weeks ago, so isn't that a little soon to be showing any kind of signs??


  • yes, she could be. I actually thought I had an UTI but that was clear and it was just the pregnancy. But it could be a UTI, cystitis, hormones etc. But the hormones from pregnancy can irritate your body like that. It settles down when your body gets more used to them. So no, it's not too early for signs like that, but it's a little too early for things like sore breasts, morning sickness etc unless her body is more sensitive to the pregnancy hormones.

  • Possible coming close to her period. I seem to pee every 2 mins when i am due. Rather annoying.

    If shes worried about the chance of pregnancy she'll prob get every sign and over analyze everything.

    Tell her to relax, then if she's over a week late, test.

  • Usually excessive urination comes later in pregnancy when the baby is larger and pressing on the woman's bladder. I had no symptoms of pregnancy until I was 6 weeks pregnant and that was missing my period and strong mood swings. tell your honey to not stress because that can push off her period. if she is late and that means a week late to her period than I would get a test.

  • Im sixteen weeks I had undesirable eccessive peeing wen i replaced into 5 weeks 8 circumstances or so then it began reducing down comparable element ensue with my doughter ... It replaced right into a venture cuz i might awaken like 10/15 circumstances a nighttime along with her ...dr instructed me I had a low blader something like that... So now its extra like 6 circumstances a nighttime "(..... sturdy success with u.

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