does this seem like a mental break down?

okay yesterday i had a great day at school and i got home and called my best friend who moved away in 8th grade we talked for a little while and then i went into a episode of ranting and raving until i built a phobia of my high school in my head it was to the point where i couldn't touch my books because they belonged to the school i cried all night and all morning because i was afraid of going to school now i am faced with going to school tomorrow what should i do i do not wanna go back deadly scared of the school now and the people in it.... i had to take every one off my top friends that goes to my school because i was scared to get on my page and see them on myspace


  • Hysteria doesn't exist. It's an archaic medical term used to describe women who hadn't had sex recently.

    Have you tried talking to your parents or someone? It seems like some sort of anxious reaction, but really, I don't know.

  • It sounds like a form of hysteria. Talk to your Dr. or your counselor at school. Did your friend say something that set you off?

  • It's probably your hormones going whack ( normal for teens ) but it is way over the top .

    See your doc asap so you don't screw up your school year .

    Praying for you to get back on track at school . . .


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