Easy Algebra problem ?

The numerator of a fraction is 4 less than the denominator. If 17 is added to each, the value of the fraction is 5/6. Find the original fraction.


  • "The numerator of a fraction is 4 less than the denominator."

    fraction: (d-4)/d

    "If 17 is added to each, the value of the fraction is 5/6."


    ----------- = --......Use this equation.

    .. d+17.....6

    d + 13....5

    --------- = --

    d + 17....6


    6(d + 13) = 5(d + 17)

    6d + 78 = 5d + 85

    6d - 5d = 85 - 78

    d = 7 (denominator)

    denominator = 7

    numerator = 7-4 = 3

    fraction: 3/7

    check: (3+17)/(7+17) = 20/24 = 5/6

  • Let x = denominator

    ((x-4)+17)/(x+17) = 5/6

    (x+13)/(x+17) = 5/6

    6*(x+13) = 5*(x+17)

    6x+78 = 5x+ 85

    x = 85 - 78 = 7


    (x-4)/x = 3/7

  • i think it 3/7

    ps sorry but thats fraction work not algebra, algebra is work with letters ie 5a x 2a = 10a

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