How can I clear my nostrils? A natural remedy?

My nose is blocked all the time. Blowing it doesn't really help. I've tried sucked menthol sweets and using vapour rub and other stuff but nothing seems to unblock it for long.

Does anyone know a natural remedy for this? I just want to be able to breath through my nose properly!


  • It depends what you mean by 'all the time'. If you mean a week or 2 following a virus, the problem is likely to be self limiting and saline (salt water,) sprays that you can buy in the pharmacy may help. If your are talking of many months of problem, ie a chronic rhinitis, this may need investigation, but I am afraid here there are no 'natural' remedies and usually nasal steroids are needed.

  • A neti pot is good - but the Neilmed BOTTLE works better! No need to contort yourself over the sink, plus it offers positive pressure instead of just gravity feed. Available at drugstores - made by the same company as the neti pot...

    There are also some nerve stimulations that you can perform on yourslef that can help - involves pressing on the supra and infraorbital foramen (where the first and second divisions of the trigeminal nerve come out)..

  • Aside from a "Farmer's Blow" there are many different ways 1) An air filter/HEPA filter combination Because allergies are major culprits in sinusitis, a combination air filter/HEPA filter can eliminate potential allergens such as dirt, dust, pollen, air pollutants and animal dander. It also may help to use allergen-proof mattress and pillow covers and install an air filter on your vacuum so that it doesn't distribute dirt and dust. 2) Irrigating sinuses with saline solution Nasal washes are effective as topical disinfectants. Mix 1/4 teaspoon salt and 1/8 teaspoon baking soda in 4 ounces warm water. Use a Neti pot or a bulb syringe to flush out your nose 2-4 times daily. Colloidal silver (1 dropperful six times daily) and commercial nasal washes containing Echinacea and Goldenseal are also effective. 3) Quercetin Quercetin is an anti-inflammatory and immune-boosting bioflavonoid found in the skin of red onions and apples. It helps decrease mucus production and swelling by blocking the release of histamine from immune cells. Quercetin can also be taken as a dietary supplement. 4) N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) is an altered form of the amino acid cysteine. This antioxidant thins mucus and provides antiviral action. Use of this substance has long been prescribed by medical doctors to treat lung congestion associated with cystic fibrosis. 5) Boosting your immune system Chronic sinusitis can indicate that your immune system is compromised. Taking an antioxidant supplement containing vitamin C, vitamin E, carotene complex, selenium and zinc can help bolster your immune system. Olive leaf extract and garlic may also help by fighting yeast, which can be linked to sinus infections. 6) Hot towels or ginger compresses to your eyes and cheeks Hot towels and ginger compresses may help reduce inflammation and open nasal passages. 7) Limiting dairy products, refined carbohydrates and sweets Dairy products may produce sinus-congesting mucus, while refined carbohydrates and sweets suppress immune function. In addition to the above recommendations, if you have sinusitis you might try bromelain, an enzyme that has been shown to reduce swelling and inflammation in the sinuses. And, whenever possible, reduce your stress levels. Ivker says that emotional stress is one of the most probable causes of sinusitis because stress lowers immune response in the body. So while you're taking your natural remedies, also consider taking a break.

  • Instead of blowing, try sucking. By reversing the "natural" reaction you'll fool your body into thinking that it needs to clear your blocked nose. It will then remove everything that is blocking your nose. Good luck.

  • take steam... like u need to inhale steam, cover ur head wid a towel, and put ur steamer under the towel, like yo0u know if you were to wear a veil. Then inhale steam through your nostrils. It hels tremendously!

    Ps:-It also clears ur double help! :p

  • Use a netty pot with salt water twice a day - after a few days you should start getting lots of gunk out.

  • it's actually your sinuses that are blocked... i get it too... i went to the doctors, and he found out what was cauising the allergy (turns out it's timothy grass :( so i can't escape it)... then he gave me some powerful anti-histamines and a steriod nasal spary to help...

    also, steam works great, so just fill a large mug with steaming water and sit with it under your nose.

    i think you should go to the doctor's about it...

  • Eat hot peppers. As hot as you can go, whether it be jalepenos, habaneros, or just horseradish, it will clear up. Horseradish works best.

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