Strapless Bra Help please?

I was having a sleepover with one of my friends (we are both 13 year old girls). We changed out of our day clothes into our sleeping clothes.(in the same room) I was wearing pj pants and a strapless bra. She was wearing a bra and panties.

We were playing Xbox Kinect, and my bra came off! I was so embarrassed, but I finished the round, cause there's no pause button. As soon as the round was over, I ran to my room and put on a normal bra.

Is there any way to make this not happen again? Should I say anything to my friend? I apologized for it when it happened. (We have changed together as well as shower in the communal showers after gym class)


  • Maybe if you get a smaller size if the bra is too big . Im 13 too and that happened to me too

  • Buy a smaller bra. One that fits shouldn't fall off. And wear a normal bra unless you're wearing a strapless dress/shirt and such. Don't say anything to your friend unless you remember in like a year or so and say "ohmygod do you remember..." and it'll just be funny. :3

  • This has happened to me too, I seriously couldn't find a way to make it stop. You could try getting a smaller bra, because if it's too big, it's obviously going to come lose easily, Or, you can just stick to normal bras.

  • Dont wear it anymore unless you are wearing a dress or something related to that...

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