How Long Does A Miscarriage Take???...?
Last night I started bleeding a little bit so we went to the hospital. They did several blood tests and an ultrasound and the doctor told me " unfortunately I didn't see a heart beat" so he asked me if I was having any cramping and I told him no. He then wrote a script for pain and said I will have cramping and the fetus will pass through or whatever happens, I don't know. I'm wondering when will this happen? I go back to the docs in 2 weeks.
Update:I'm 11wks and 4 days. They were not able to do a normal ultrasound and had to use the internal scope.
first off im sorry for your loss. unfortunately it may not happen on its own. you may have to have a dnc if it doesnt. i would call your obgyn and tell them the situation to see if you can get in earlier. if not and it still hasnt happened by the time you go the dr will take care of it then. im not sure why the er dr didnt do anything about it then...again sorry for your loss
if you are less than 5 weeks they wont be able to see the heartbeat however when i had a miscarrige at 7 weeks i had no cramps at all just heavy bleeding for about 6 days
can i just ask how many weeks you are?
i was bleeding with my last pregnancy and they didnt see a heart beat.. i went back 2 weeks later and there was a heart beat (this was at 7 weeks)
i'm sorry to hear're a guy...guys can't get pregnant...hmm...