Do guys prefer dirty girls over good girls?

So im going to school ooking really nice, i dress quiet conservative so im in school with nice drop curls, long pea coat, grey skirt and fish net stockings(skirt knee length lol) so yeah im coming to school looking really pretty,tidy and smelling nice but nobody does anything but look away or just stare. guys are normally approaching me when i dont look so nice but when i do look nice nobody approaches me and it confuses me. also i see men trying to call out some girls near me with weave,tight jackets and tight jeans thats practically showing her butt crack... i dont get it


  • I prefer logical girls.

  • Do guys prefer dirty girls over good girls?

  • School aged kids, both guys and girls, tend to go for the more bad guy or bad girl type (not always, but that is the general trend). In college people are more mature as long as you don't go to a party school, so don't worry.

  • There is such a thing as a woman dressing to awesome for a man...many may feel intimidated, but you will encounter men who dont care....mostly creeps that will end up in a TOOT it and BOOT, and make you feel stupid (haha thanks black community for this one) the guys you want to speak too that will treat you nice are probably the ones that will never EVER speak to you...guys like feeling special too knowing that a girl perfers him over the rest of the guys.

  • Guys like those girls because they're showing off their bodies. If a woman is physically gifted then wearing clothes that compliment her physique doesn't make her "dirty".

  • It's only because they don't think they are good enough for you since you look so perfect. They think they might embarrass themselves in front of you because they weren't dressed as nice as you. They are either shy or worried. Guys prefer good girls over dirty girls, but just don't show it.

  • I don't judge how much I like a female by getting out the sIut-scales. There are many factors involved that could contribute to me liking or disliking someone, how she dresses is of little consequence. Is she smart, amicable, funny, etc...those are the kinds of things that would determine whether or not I like someone.

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