My Dog Is Paranoid By Flicking?

Anyone making a flicking gesture with their hand causes my dog to feel threatened and start attacking whoever is doing it. I feel like the most obvious reason is in someway her previous owners flicked her as a form of punishment, which is cruel. Is there any way I can reverse this behavior?


  • Flick treats to her....and have your friends do the same.

    A "Behaviorist" (gag) is someone that has read many books and can recite every known technique, but doesn't know how to train a dog. You'd be supporting a more legitimate route by contacting an animal psychic....or just buy a ouija board.

  • Don't allow anyone to make a flicking motion at your dog.

  • Yes, this is reversible but it would be best done with the help of a Certified Applied Animal Behaviorist. You can find lists of CAABs on the internet.

  • Training, training, and more training. Or seek professional help for yourself on how to train properly.

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