Is Bi-polar Disorder a serious mental illness?

If so could you give reasons why?Thank you


  • Well, for a start you can wind up in tons of debt or with tons of babies from impulsive behaviour. That sounds a frivolous answer, but it's a very common outcome and it affects the whole of your life.

  • Yes it can be for most individuals.

    Depression can make a person self harm or attempt suicide. They do not leave bed for days or weeks and abandon themselves, not washing, using the bathroom, eating etc. They can lose a lot of weight from not eating and become ill for not looking after themselves.

    Mania can make a person do a lot of things they usually wouldn't. They could get into debt from spending too much money. Drink too much alcohol or take drugs. Have sex with strangers.

    Some people even have psychosis which is never ever good. I once had a psychotic episode when I was in hospital. I could hear voices telling me to get out as the doctors were trying to kill me. I started screaming telling them I had to get out and they had to get away from me. It ended up in me pulling my IV fluid needle out and bleeding everywhere while 4 doctors and a nurse restrained me and sedated me 3 times until I fell asleep. Another time before that I was hearing a voice telling me to kill someone to save the world. So I bought a knife and tried to stab my boyfriend but instead I stabbed myself and ended up in A&E hallucinating sounds and things that were not there bleeding a lot from my arm. I had to have only 6 stitches.

    It can be a devastating illness for anyone who has it. Any mental illness is serious in its own way.

  • Have you been actually diagnosed or is this a self diagnosis?

    Yes, Bi-polar is serious, but medication can help even out the highs and lows. Medication needs to be taken consistently for the best control of symptoms.

  • ..Yes, and if you'll look at the symptoms you'll see why.

    The "Low" mood

    • Persistent feelings of sadness, anxiety, guilt, anger, isolation, hopelessness, loneliness, self-loathing, apathy or indifference.

    • Chronic pain, like the joints for example.

    • Suicidal idealization.

    • Possible psychotic features (hallucinations, delusions), if it gets that severe.

    • And more.

    The "high" mood

    • Increase in energy and a decreased need for sleep. Some may go days without sleeping, and going without the proper amount of sleep is bad for your brain and body.

    • Possible risky and numerous sexual encounters, where one may get STDs, HIV, or may get pregnant or get someone else pregnant.

    • Uncontrollable rage, to the point of violence.

    • Possible psychotic features, such as delusions, where the sufferer may believe that s/he is "invincible" and may do incredibly stupid and/or dangerous things, like driving at 100 mph.

    • "Feeling good".. yes that sounds great, doesn't it? However, many people experiencing mania have this "feel good" mood and stop taking their medication.

    • And more.

    And there's to remember that it can be very difficult to manage bipolar, even if medication, it can take years to get the right combination of medication.

  • It is serious but you need an accurate diagnosis. Do it early so that you can get everything under control before you have to fight system in order to get help. Check with your family DR asap.

  • Simply put, if Bipolar is managed with appropriate drugs and therapy you can live a healthy and fulfilling life. Bipolar is much like someone who has diabetes, you learn to manage the symptoms so you don't become too manic or too depressed. This is where the problem lies, in the extreme depression and extreme mania.

    I would suggest seeing a GP who can refer you to a psychiatrist so that your medication can be monitored closely and live a happy life.

    Wish you well

  • It certainly can be. Psychosis can be disabling. Risky behavior during mania can leave people divorced and in debt.... Depression can also be disabling abd it is a proven statistic that 20% of people with Bipolar will commit suicide.... so I would say loss of life is pretty serious.

  • everyone i,ve known with this problem often refuses to admit that there,s an issue. the mood swings are scary. the people who are bi polar don,t see it. they think you,re picking on them if you say anything.

  • Iam now in foster care just cuz my mum has it

  • I hate being Bi-polar.. it's awesome!

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