BEST mascara EVER???

i'm talking about volume, length,no clump, nice color, no smudges...

i'm 14 and i want something thats pretty and natural and that works so good i WON'T NEED EYELINER. i heard covergirl lash exact and maybelline full n soft are good


  • So far of the brands I've tried Define A Lash by Maybelline is AWESOME!

  • Lash Exact is good; however, I think that in terms of color, clumpage, and smudge-proof, you can't go wrong with Maybelline Great Lash in the waterproof formula. Go for the kind with the curved brush, and replace it once every 4-6 weeks to minimize clumping. That should be easy, because it's also the cheapest stuff on the market! It's like $3.99. Just make sure you get a good eye-makeup remover, like Neutrogena, because that stuff's not coming off with soap!!!

  • I'm 14 as well so maybe I could help you out.If you get any mascara and apply it correctly it will work out.Most people dont know how to correctly apply it and if you use too much,that's when it turns into a mess.Experiment different ways of applying your mascara.Maybelline Lash Stylist works well.So does Volume Couture by MAX factor..I doubt you'll find a mascara where you wont have to wear eyeliner,some people have a naturally dark bottom lash line.So,I would suggest getting a waterproof eyeliner,the twisty kind not the pencil...And apply a little bit to your bottom lashline.AKA where your eyelashes grow from.

    Good luck and hope this helps!!!

  • Dior Show is really good but its a little expensive. Any Clinque mascara is good too. Covergirl lash exact is good as well. Just try stuff out to see what works best for you.. Also, try an eyelash curler first before applying mascara. Good luck!

  • My favorites:

    1) Chanel Inimitable mascara

    2) Redpoint mascara (QVC)

    3) Maybelline -Lash Discovery Mini-Brush Washable Mascara

  • I like Maybeline Great Lash Mascara it's been voted best for decades. My mom still uses it ! It's the pink tube w/ the green top.. It's inexpensive and available everywhere ! Most mascara's are made of the same ingredients so there's not that much difference between dept. store and drug store.. Maybe try a different wand.. Good luck

  • maybelline great lash (pink and green) is the best drugstore brand i've tried, and i've tried a lot. its also cheap.

    i've tried covergirl lash exact and it was okay, but started sucking right away. it was pretty though (the bottle & brush were haha).

    but if you want the best mascara EVER, well i hear diorshow is good. expensive, but good.

    don't listen to anyone who says mac btw. their mascara sucks

    oh & p.s. what does mascara have to do with eyeliner? two totally different products.

  • Mascara is a hard question but you have 2 choices both made by Bee Luscious Cosmetics either the HD mascara or the BEE LUSHcious mascara . They are fantastic products never seen a clump or flake on any client I have ever applied makeup to.

  • I looooooooooooove Full n Soft by Maybelline !!

    It doesn't make your lashes brittle so they fall out, they don't clump, the volumizing isn't great - but I wouldn't rather have natural looking, soft, non-clumpy lashes than full ones.

    Good luck !

  • I read in a beauty magazine that most make up artists in Hollywood carry Maybelline Great Lash ( the pink one) in their bags. Okay, if you use it... it's very wet. So apply one stroke lightly, let it dry a minute then lightly apply the second coat. Well, you should do that with any mascara anyway.

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