Sonia Martins provokes big sacandals Embaixada Cabo Verde?

Sonia Martins will provoke big scands and she will compromise Cabo Verde embaixada By this ocasion Sonia will compromise not just embaixada de Cabo Verde na Roma but all capeverdean diplomacy ,beacause internationl public opinion will know about gun and trafic drog were Capeverdean autorities are involved by complicity or incompetence with dangerous criminals who are there in the corner day and night ready to Kill European and American tourists

In this moment when people are searching for Sonia Martins Embaixada de Cabo Verde they can find many things we wrote about this guns and narcotic trafic and Capoeverdean autorities involvement in it by complicity or Incompetence

To make a large number of people to now about this so they can avoid Cape Verde like an tourist destination i publish it in Englisk ,French ,Portuguese Italian and Spanish language

As onde of the person who supose to make what is necessary to avoid this situation is a Post graduated in security this will provoke a big international scandal

By this ocasion Cape Verde gouvernment wil be forced to dismiss mr Manuel Amante da Rosa and Sonia Martins but we are prying for God not to do that imediatly beacause we need them to be keped in their function beacuse when we will launch the scandal it will be muck biger

But this is not all beacause as Mr Manuel Amanate da Rose is graduated in security and he supose to do what is necessary to avoid those things and he did not this will be presentae world wilde like a study of case about digital diplomacy and personale public figure segurity In the same time in those conference

By this ocasion not just intenational public opinion will know about those bad things were are involved Cape Verdean autorities but also top managers an some others offiiciasl who will partecipate in those conferences all over the world

Digital science needs thos study of case so they can meke officials and gouverments to understant the importance of digital science and the priority to research those things whic can compromise evey time a diplomacy of any country

Sonia and her bad and street behavior help me creat this international study of case

She may become very famous beacuse she will be onde of the first dimplomatic representative who will have printed a digital cazier

As this digital cazier associetad with Sonia Martins name will afect Cabo Verde diplomaty world wilde she supose to be dismissed imediatly by Cape Verde Gouverment together with embaixador da italia and his son

This will hapen beacause mr Manuel Amante da Rosa a post gradueted in security who supose to do what was necessary to defend the country he has been associetad with gun and narcotic trafic by complicity or incompetence and apart of this he was sent to countrys mafia to "specialized "there like an ambassador and he brought his son to works with him in "embiaxada de Cabo Verde na Roma "

As i have considered a blasfemia to send such a person to Papas land i decided to inform international public opinion about this and the narcotic and gun tragic where Cape Verdean autorities are involved hand by hand with dangerous criminals

As Mr Manuel Amante da Rosa is pos gradueted in security he supose to do what is necessary so i could not make those information to be known and also to print this digital "cazier " associated with Sonias name

As he did nothing to avoid this i have a prove of his incompetence so i will present the international public opinion this case so they cand know who was responsable in west Africa a very dangerous aria, for European and American tourist security

As i was saying while Mr Manuel Amante da Rosa was "carring " about Cabo Verde security tones of drog were reaching in the country and Cape Verde authorities were traficing Guns with the dangerous criminals which are in the corner ready to Kill European and American tourists

Now with this Sonia Martins and embaixada de Cabo Verde international scandal people will know everiting about this

After some years of this trafic when the Mafia did not understod among them they make a big scandal and the power party beleaving if he present this case of gun trafic were was involved a prison director he will compromise him ,he made a big mistake beacause by this ocasion international public opinion understood that the Cabo Verde gouverment was involved by complicity in guns trafic with a prision director which was dealing with that together with dangerous criminals who are ready to kill Cabo Verde people and European and American tourist



    for those who speaks portuguese they can read muck more about this issue

  • I dont think of they are going to stay jointly, they are purely too youthful and Sonia has already had one affair and that they are consistently arguing approximately rubbish. i think of they are going to finally end up in the bill or in Holby city.

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