why is President Obama is despised?

even the liberal newspapers and TV media are dumping on BHO. It is like a bandwagon, picking up momentum. Are we in the "fashionable to bash Obama season" ?


caolan: I gusess I was imitating BHO's double talk, but failed


  • why wouldn't he be despised?

    -the economy is getting worse.

    -he passed govt health care against the will of the majority

    -he opposed AZ immigration law (which only reflects that of the fed govt) against the will of the majority

    -he reaches out to islam every chance he gets despite sharia law conveying the exact opposite of american freedom

    -racial tensions are elevating to a height we haven't seen since the 60s

    i could go on and on. never thought there would be a worse president than bush until B.O. came along

  • no mr. wolf. all we predicted grew to become into some one all of us understand for specific is eligible one with some experiencing that's working for the yankee people no longer against them we don;t anticipate him to do any of the failings you suggested in a quick time yet we didn;t anticipate to be bankrupt in 4 months the two. we didn;t anticipate one which doesn;t admire usa and what it stands for. why isn't theConstitution good enoughh for him if he's an american. we didn;t anticipate him to make unlawful alien criminal with turning out to be a citizen. we didn;t anticipate one to be so comfortable on terriost. and as for the different presidents they controlled to maintain the enemy out of usa those long years. the cost this one is going i'm undecided of it. and as for him smoking i don;t care if he smokes ten packs an afternoon. that;s on him yet why strengthen taxes and make it so no longer undemanding on the different people who do? style of bitter isn;t it? so what;s sound reasonable to this. you are the single being un reasonable yet I do anticipate him to do what he says and give up the lies and bs.I don;t hear any ingredient good he has completed from any of you. merely what he's gonna do. as plenty money as he has given packistan you will think of he would have made somewhat headway there yet no longer.and he's no longer working for israel besides. why the lies approximately that.he's an arab do you certainly think of he helps israel? so niave and he ought to unravel the finacial issues sense he;s the single which wasted trillions. He ruined the vehicle industry and the vast companies by using sticking his nostril the place he had no journey merely dangled the money infront of them and placed situations they couldnot postpone to on them/ the banks had to grant back money yet back he placed concern on them in the event that they did. he's the only rationalization for our predictament. like it or no longer. so the failings you indexed he couldn;t do in ten years reason he's conscious no longer something approximately worldwide affairs. Bush and clinton the two did an outstanding interest. so it doesn;t remember how plenty you bash the two one.

  • Some people despise him; some people don't.

    I'm a very leftwing Democrat, and I'm extremely disappointed by Obama's handling of the economy.

    To begin with, I think he and congressional Democrats were scared off by Rightwing rants about "socialism" from passing an economic stimulus program that was big enough to bring down unemployment.

    As liberal economists such as Paul Krugman and Joseph Stiglitz (both winners of the Nobel Prize) both wrote in 2009, the Obama economic stimulus plan probably should have been twice as big -- or according to economist Dean Baker, even 5-10 times larger -- to bring unemployment below 5%.

    But with rightwing "deficit hawks" screaming about federal spending -- and with Fox News and the GOP accusing Obama of "socialism" for everything he did -- the Democrats with Obama at their head have pretty much wimped out on trying to fix the economy.

    Instead they pushed through a stimulus bill that was much too small and just hoped it would work, or that nobody would notice if it didn't. And because the bill was too small, voters today are rightly upset about 9.5% to 9.6% unemployment, and Obama is taking the blame.

    The other BIG reason why Obama is "despised" by many Republicans, though -- well, actually there are 2 reasons.

    1. The guy is black, we all know it, and he's our first black or partly black president. And despite all denials of this fact, a lot of white Americans still are somewhat racist, and so Obama's political opponents have been playing up the "race issue" to hurt him.

    You see this here on YA Politics all the time.

    In addition, of course, Obama has a Muslim name and had a Kenyan father, and his political foes spread misinformation about the "birther" and "Muslim" issues, too, to spread hatred against him. And it partly works.

    2. There is a extremely well funded, well organized libertarian conservative propaganda machine, much of it funded by rightwing billionaires, that has been spreading hatred & contempt for all liberal politicians for 30 to 50 to 80 years now. Obama is just its latest target.

    Today the rightwing propaganda machine mostly demonizes "liberals" through Fox News, the Tea Party movement, and the radical religious right.

    But these are just the newest vehicles for anti-government, anti-equality, anti-liberal hate talk that certain wealthy plutocrats have peddled for 2-3 generations now, often using other organizations.

    For example, the far-right John Birch Society promoted hate and fear against presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon Johnson in the 1960s, and in the 1950s the Birchers even accused Republican president Dwight D. Eisenhower of being a "Communist" in disguise.

    Before there was a John Birch Society, there was an "American Liberty League" that the du Pont family and other rightwing conservatives organized in the 1930s to demonize president Franklin Roosevelt as a "socialist" and to attack the recently enacted Social Security System as "socialist" or "communist" in essence.

    The same kinds of people who funded the Liberty League against Roosevelt in the 1930s and against Eisenhower and Kennedy in the 1950s and 1960s are now financing attacks on Obama.

    It's people like this -- like the rightwing Koch brothers of Kansas, billionaires who have plowed millions of dollars into rightwing causes such as the Cato Institute and "Americans for Prosperity" and the Tea Party -- who today are encouraging Americans to "despise" Obama, I think.

    Again, Obama's record has not been perfect; he and the Democrats do deserve some criticism. But for the rightwingers involved, attacking Democratic presidents and liberal politics is an old, old game.

    It works partly because of the huge sums of money they put into it.

  • Most people realize...the government backing every type of loan at 4% interest (2% downpayments on homes) at teaser rates....

    While the government enriches itself with what wealth we have remaining...

    Is terrible economic policy.

    Its sort of like George Bush, but communist and an even worse economic policy (more government, and more bad loans)....and economics always plays out.

  • He keeps alienating his own base by not standing up to conservatives bashing him and the other Democrats. He also brakes his own promises, liberals like me expected a Public Option in the healthcare reform bill, we never got that. So because he never stands up to the conservatives his won base doesn't stand up for him.

  • I believe his name says it all Barack Hussein Obama

  • Criticized is not the same as despised. The Recovery Summer is turning out to be the Recovery of Sanity Summer.

  • Most Americans like him but despise his beliefs and ideas. Peace

  • Despised is a good description. Anyone who answered that most still like him is living in La La land.

  • Bash Obama. Then next year, the economy will be booming and it ain't the republicans doing.

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