Do you mainly vote on moral issues or economic policies?

Just curious as my husband and I always discuss these things differently.

He's all about economics and I'm more about moral issues.

Maybe this is a male/female thing, I dunno, either way, we both are at least voting for the same man.

Your thoughts?


  • Moral issues - I think that if you have good morals everything else falls in line

  • A person with something to hide can be easily blackmailed.Someone with morals would have less to hide,I would think.It's not the legislation of morals,but the presence of some that is important.I could easily picture a scenario where some foreign leader or even an aide could have blackmailed Clinton.He had sexual scandals he was dealing with even as he ascended to the presidency.

  • Smaller government. They have failed to show morals or the ability to improve money. Less government means the people have to step up and Americans do. Punishing success and imposing a nation over God is nothing I want to be a part of. Freedom is making your own choices and facing the results for them. I am pro choice on everything! Down with big brother!

  • Economics. The gov't has no business legislating morality that is up to churches and families.

  • Strictly economics. What does anybody have to do with my morals?

    As far as the morality of the candidates is concerned, I assume they have none (morals).

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