Ajuda com os erros neste texto em inglês!!! (não eh tradução!)?

Brazil needs sparred by this current crisis claim a economic potency, despite many people think " Brazil will be the country of the future, but always only in future", doubtless we have much problems in health, education and poverty, meantime we being close to 200 millions people and is a big stumbled don't consider that in Brazil have therefore people high qualificated than many eupeans countries. Thus, we needs warface for ensure this country grow now, because it is very dare but now is the our chance.

Throughout different than another age in the brazilian history, for example 70's ages when was the "golden age" for brazilian economic but we didn't have economic awareness for lease the gain in important sector economics, or the govern had anothers interests, how lie to population with a strong grow though for way that debt extern, just as that we had paid for more than thirty years.

Than we don't have postpone this oportunity and we need seize the best way possible, gathered ways for lease the assets in main sectors economics for the future(oil,industry,education) .

quis escreve esse texto com palavras com significados mais dificeis.. tinha uma lista de palavras q tinha anotado no meu caderno com os significados em portugues e para decorar melhor resolvi escreve um texto com elas...

nao quero a traducao... vo posta o que queria dizer...

O Brasil precisa aproveitando esta crise atual e vir a ser uma potencia economica ,diferentemento de que muitas pessoas pensam "Brasil eh o pais do futuro, mais sempre somente num futuro" (eh meio uma piada!), sem duvida temos muitos problemas em saude, educacao, pobreza, ao mesmo tempo nos somos proximos de 200 milhoes de pessoas e eh um grande erro nao considerar que o brasil tem por isso pessoas altamente qualificadas como muitos paises europeus. Desse modo, nos precisamos batalhar para garantir que este pais cresca agora. pois isto eh um grande desafio mais agora eh a nossa chance.

Completamente diferente de outra era na historia brasileira, por exemplo na decada de 70 onde tivemos a "era de ouro" para a economia brasileira mais nos nao tinhamos conhecimento economico para alocar o ganho nos importantes setores economicos, ou nosso governo possuia outros interesses, como mentir para a populacao com um grande crescimento mesmo sendo por meio de divida externa, esta que nos temos pagos por mais de 30 anos

Entao nos nao devemos adiar esta oportunidade e nos precisamos aproveitar o melhor meio possivel

, garantindo meios para alocar os ativos em fundamentais setores economicos para o futuro(petroleo, industria , educacao).



  • Brazil needs to use to its advantage this current economic crisis and become economically potent. To the contrary of what many people think, "Brazil is the country of the future -- but only IN the future. (sort of a joke, right?) Without a doubt, we have many problems with health, education, poverty. At the same time, we have almost 200 million people, and therefore it would be a great error not to think that Brazil has highly qualified people like many European countries do. Likewise, we need to fight now to guarantee that this country grows. Therefore, this is a great challenge, and now is our chance.

    This is completely different from another age in Brazilian history, for example the 1970's, where we had the "golden age." Either the Brazilian economy does not have enough economic knowledge to make a profit in the important economic sectors, or our government had other interests, such as to lie to the population about its great continual growth, half of which was external debt. We have been making payments on this for more than 30 years. Thus, we should not postpone this opportunity, and we need to use it to our advantage in the best way possible. This will guarantee placing the assets in basic economic sectors for the future (oil, industry, education).

  • Eu tentei manter o sentido original, mas não sei se eu retirei alguma palavra q vc queria que estivesse nele. Algumas partes ficaram confusas, e há algumas palavras eu desconheço, portanto não posso garantir 100%. A maioria dos erros era relacionada a expressões idiomáticas e afins. Você precisaria estar mais em contato com o idioma para aprendê-las. Outros nem tanto. Tente reler o seu texto e entender, pois muitas partes ficaram confusas e com ordem inversa (algo que até em português fica complicado).

    As correções estão ASSIM ou ___

    "Brazil needs, sparred by this current crisis, TO claim aN economic potency, despite many people think " Brazil will be the country of the future, but always only in future", doubtless we have much problems in health AND education SECTORS and ABOUT poverty, meantime we ARE ABOUT 200 million_ people and is a big stumb TO NOT consider that, in Brazil, THERE ARE therefore people AS high qualificated AS IN many eupeans countries. Thus, we need_ warface TO ensure this country TO grow now, (essa parte até em português ficou confusa) because EVEN THOUGH it is very dare,___now IT is ___ our chance.

    Throughout different TIMES in ___ brazilian history, for example THE 70's ___ , WHICH IS CALLED the "golden age" for brazilian economicS, EVEN THOUGH THERE WAS NO economic awareness for lease the gain in important sector economics, or the governMENT had anothers interests, LIKE LYING to population ABOUT a strong growTH, EVEN IF IT WAS BY MEANING OF EXTERN debtS ___ , WHICH we haVE paid for more than thirty years.

    Than we MUST NOT postpone this oportunity and we need PROFIT the best way AS possible, gatherING ways for leasING the assets in sectors OF economY for the future (oil,industry,education) ."

  • O que você afinal quer anjinho? Eu vou dormir ,mas talvez possa te

    ajudar neste texto no dia seguinte, ok???


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