Why did USA destroy Yugoslavia?

Well I recently saw a movie made by a Serb who lives in Canada and it says that communism in Yugoslavia really worked and that the people were happy, but that the USA and NATO countries didn't like it because it was neutral and it was trading between the Eastern block and NATO countries, and as a result USA spies destroyed the Yugoslav economy and they sparked the ethnic tension which provoked the wars. I want to ask is all this information true? And why the USA didn't like the country?


  • Bill Clinton wanted to use bombings to distract from his corruption -- but there is also good reason to suspect that he took bribes from the Muslims in order to use our military as a means of cleansing the Christians out of Kosovo.

  • Because Yugoslavia had such a big name (well, for the average american) that they couldn't pronounce it. So they thought to destroy it and create countries which would be easier to pronounce.

  • So Bill Clinton's cigar could enter a body cavity of a woman not his wife, although I'm sure Hillary has been violated by many cigars.

  • a movie made by a Serb in Canada. now thats real documentation. and you saw pigs flying too.

  • Hahahaha - Yugoslavia never existed. It was one unhappy combination of incredibly warlike states.

  • Sounds like propaganda and misplaced anger/blame/hatred.

  • We like destroying things and firing people.

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