Do Ugg Australia shoe products kill animals?

So, I recently decided that I am going to give up meat for Lent and become a vegetarian for 40 days. I decided to do this because I have had enough of being cruel to animals. If all goes well and I can survive as a veg for 40 days, then I'll continue to be one for the rest of my life.

Anyway, to get to the question...

I own two pairs of Uggs, a pair of boots and a pair of moccasins. Since I'm looking into this whole cruelty to animals, I was wondering if the Ugg company kills animals for their products or just skins the hair from them. Help me out?


  • What's the point of being a vegetarian for 40 days?

    Seriously, Make up your mind.

  • I've been a vegetarian for 4 years, i'm 15 :D

    haha i ate meat almost two years ago cause i broke down :\

    Why are you going vegetarian for 40 days?

    Oh DON'T believe everything about what peta says, their wrong. They switch the story around on almost every company.

    Say for KFC they say how the skin the chickens alive and scald them etc, they don't my neighbors friend owns a chicken farm which goes to KFC. I don't know its hard to explain all i'm saying is don't let peta take over your life because they switch the story around on companies.

  • I am sure they feed the lie that they just give them a "haircut", but it isnt like the sheep get to roam around all day in a field in the sunshine.

    They are treated badly, underfed, crammed together, and a lot of them die.

  • no its sheep

    all they do is cut the wool off of the sheep, it doesn't harm them at all. its like us getting a haircut and donating wigs

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