Is Popeye's restaurant good?

I've seen the commercials a billion times, and I always say, "I want to try that place so bad". But I don't know if it's good or not. I love spicy stuff, so it seems like my kinda place, but my dad said it was like KFC with spicy flavor. Anyone wanna share their experience with this restaurant!?!?


  • I love it. Fried chicken is pretty much good anywhere, and your dad is right. It's like KFC but with a little bit of spice.

    The easiest way to find out is to go there yourself and get a two-piece. It's not that expensive and if you don't like it you can just toss it out. Or give the other piece to a homeless person.

  • It's okay. I live on top of one so I get take out a few times a month. It's pretty much like KFC but more emphasis on southern sides

  • It's pretty good. I always get a side of red beans and rice it's soo delicious.

  • Their sides are decent enough, and the spices on the chicken is good, but the meat is kinda skimpy and usually over-cooked. I tried it a few times and was not impressed.

  • I prefer them over KFC

  • They have high prices (at least where I live), but they DO have good food.

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