How do doctors diagnose a miscarriage ??

I had some questions about early miscarriages and the procedures that take place when you go to the clinic/doctors.

1. If you haven't took a pregnancy test but you've had sex and around a month later you've had heavy bleeding and aching stomach pains, will the doctor/clinic give you a pregnancy test and will it show up positive or negative if you've had a miscarriage?

2. How do the doctors find out if you've had a miscarriage if you did take a test before and it was positive but you've had the symptoms of a miscarriage?


  • 1) even if u haven't taken a pregnancy test before but u suspected u were pregnant and had a miscarriage the doc will send u for blood work to check ur hcg levels (that's the pregnancy hormone) also they would send u for an ultrasound to see if anything in ur uterus if u were pregnant they would be able to see something. If u weren't pregnant it still helps them figure out if any things wrong.

    2) if I've had symptoms of a miscarriage and had a positive test before hand the docs will definatly do an ultrasound to look for a heart beat And try to find the baby if there's still one inside. If you've had a miscarriage spontaneously ur body would pass It like a clot. Depending on how far along u were would make the size of the clot differ. Also there would be heavy cramping and maybe only spotting. Always talk to ur doctor about cramps or any blood.

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