How to describe a mysterious girl?

Writing a story:)


  • You describe the girl, including what it is that makes her appear mysterious.

  • Before diving right in and describing why your character is going to be mysterious, you need to think about WHY she is.

    It may take some time but it's always a good idea to plan your characters out in real depth before writing about them. In rough, get an image of what she looks like in your head. Start by jotting down any adjectives that describe her appearance. Does she have a unique hairstyle? Strange-coloured eyes? Is her accent like she's from a different world?

    Then really think about what makes her mysterious. Is she human? Does she have friends? Where has she come from? How does she approach everyday life?

    Planning makes writing a whole lot easier because when you come to describe something in lengthy descriptions, you can pull all your notes together and create something really great that will hook the reader.

    Words to describe a mysterious character: Dark, strange, abnormal, vague, lonely, cryptic, solitary, unsocial, deserted, mystical, secretive, weird, friendless, sombre, cold, ghostly, moody, complicated, angry, out-of-place

  • Mysterious?

  • Ahhhh the mysterious girl...who is self contained, quiet, with an intriguing aura, that draws you in even if you know she is trying so very hard to do the opposite. Her odd features, and or striking features, could pull you in with just one glance even from far away. Not even being within one foot of her, just being in the same room, you feel the powerful pull of energy she gives off, making you question and think even more about her. Where does she come from? What is she hiding? Why is she purposely avoiding anyone at all to keep to herself?

  • Describe something about her that's mysterious. Maybe the way she looks, a habit she might have.

  • a young girl wandered through the crowd her head drooped down and straight black hair draped over her faces the look of someone trying to blend in but actually it just made her look...well the only word i can think of is mysterious. i saw her eyes shift slightly. for a split second her blue eyes pierced me with a agonized glare. you could see fear in those cruel eyes you could see many things; things i don't want to describe. things words cant describe.

    She pulled her hood tightly over her head. and ran.

  • curious, odd, funny, unique, bazaar, different, shy, weird, perplexing - does that help?

    eccentric? ecclectic?

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