How does a tree prove gods exaistance?

Or the sun? Or animals.... That's not enough for me anymore. How about you?


  • Love proves God's existence.

  • If you could create a living thing go right ahead... Evolution or whatever happened in your mind is not and has not happened to this very day! So go ahead prove your point all youre doing is proving that its dumb to argue over something that doesn't require proof rather just faith because nothing can be proven bout it

  • Gaps in knowledge isn't the reason I accept God's existence.

  • the beauty of the world is evidence of nothing other than the beauty of the world.

    to say that because the sunrise is beautiful is 'proof' of god's existence is childish, though it does give a glimpse into the primitive thinking of our ancestors...

  • Scientific research is limited—restricted to what humans can actually observe or study. Otherwise it is mere theory or guesswork. Since “God is a Spirit,” he simply cannot be subjected to direct scientific scrutiny. (John 4:24) It is arrogant, therefore, to dismiss faith in God as unscientific. Scientist Vincent Wigglesworth of Cambridge University observed that the scientific method itself is “a religious approach.” How so? “It rests upon an unquestioning faith that natural phenomena conform to ‘laws of nature.’” So when someone rejects belief in God, is he not simply exchanging one type of faith for another? In some cases, disbelief appears to be a deliberate refusal to face the truth. The psalmist wrote: “The wicked one according to his superciliousness makes no search; all his ideas are: ‘There is no God.’”—Psalm 10:4.

    Belief in God is not blind faith, however, for there is overwhelming evidence of God’s existence. (Hebrews 11:1)

    Keep reading at the link below if you would like to consider this overwhelming evidence...

  • look at ancient civilizations. look at thier beliefs, carvings, tablets, and cave paintings.

    read the bible.

    If thats not enough you have to open your heart and your mind. for you cannot see right now.

  • they way it is designed showing complication and how everything works together

    yes its more than enough for me

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