Adding a drop down list to Access query?

I have created a query in access but want to filter the results of the query by pushing the user to choose from a drop down list for one of the columns in the query. How do I do that in the Query design view?


I am putting together a query in Microsoft Access by the way just in case I was not clear. Hopefully anyone who understands Access will know what I am talking about.


  • I don't know what you're talking about

  • There are many sorts of queries and this sounds as if you need to set up a Parameter Query where the user is prompted to put the criteria in. So, say for instance your database is on cars you can set up a parameter query to pull out a certain model of car, or year, or make etc, so the user just puts in the model, runs the query but doesnt actually have to create/design the query him/herself. So, start off your query in normal way (create query using wizard) when you have gone through the initial steps, go into design view, then click on Query on the menu bar and select Parameters, bottom of list. A Parameter window opens and you put in the parameter but, when in future the query is opened, a box opens and the user can put in any parameter. A little practise will show how easy this is but sorry if its not clear from my explanation.

  • This cannot be done in query design view. You must build a form based on the query. I usually build two forms in this situation one form for the user to pick from the drop down list then a second for to display the results.

    You may want to consider purchasing an Access how to book. Alison Balter's Master Access is pretty good. You can get it from Amazon.

  • Sounds like you need a parameter query. This prompts the user to enter a value that is used in the criteria row of the query.

    As an example

    If you type

    >=[Enter the maximum value]

    in the criteria row of the appropriate field, then the text in the square brackets will appear as the prompt for a value to be entered when the query is run.

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