Can you develop common sense?

I second guess myself ALL the time, sometimes I wonder, do I lack common sense or do I just need to develop it?


  • Second guessing yourself is a sure sign of common sense! What you will develop is a sense of confidence.. If you just made quick decisions and charged ahead without giving any of your decisions a second thought that would show a distinct lack of common sense. Remember your good decisions, remember your mistakes and move forward with confidence.

  • Common sense is the common way of doing things. Second guessing yourself doesn't mean you lack common sense. If you think you do lack it and you want it, then think about what 'everyone else' would do in a certain situation.

  • I'm sure you have all the common sense you need. Don't imagine you lack it. As life progresses, our common sense also gets developed with our growing experience.

  • I do not believe that second guessing yourself has anything to do with common sense but rather faith in your own judgment.

    Common sense is learned at an early age. Even some people who come from a good common sense family fail to gain it. I think you either have it or you don't. However... I feel people who want to learn can change their own lives but they have to WANT to.

    : )

    Happy Autumn !

  • I don't think that you can develop common sense but I think it starts with having a mind of your own in addition to some other practices

  • With good general knowledge, and esp above average scores at school, you should have a fair amount of common sense. Read more, improve on your maths and science, advise your siblings or friends if they do things that are wrong or not appropriate. Way to go!

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