How do you shrink visible pores???

Its getting really irritating my mom has it to and want it gone! I'll do anything whats its remedy???


  • i understand I have it too. I use toner which shrinks them a bit and milk, yes cows milk can help too, something about the lactose in milk that helps shrink them. Just clean your face and put some milk on a cotton ball and generously dot your face, not too much so it runs off. Leave on for 15 minutes, (it'll get a little sticky) then wash it off.

    good luck, this helps a little but there really is no CURE. I know I hate it!!

  • Try using a good exfoliating cleanser. Also a good product is 'Pores no more' Sephoria sells it.

  • tinted clearisil facil cream. its about 7 dollars for a tube, but if you cake it on for a night its like magic in the morning.

    also try covergirl concealer. cucumber peeloff facial masks also work

    good luck

  • just wash wash wash!! wash your face religiously. i actually wet my face massage the cleanser into the my skin for like 2 minutes, rinse and repeat. i do this at night and when i wake up. this really cleans deep into my pores to get all the gross stuff out. try it!

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