"Press F1 to continue"?

Just after switching on the PC it halt and screen displays an error and asks to "Press Del to enter setup or Press F1 to continue".I've already set CMOS,BIOS settings to defaults, completely disabled floppy disk drive,1st,2nd,3rd boot priority changed to HDD,motherboard battery is replaced,no recent hardware configurational changes,is it here to stay "Press F1 to cntinue" Motherboard is asus P5GV-TMX/S 915.


  • The disabled floppy disk drive is most likely the reason you are getting this message.

    If you want to get rid of the prompt, then physically uninstall the floppy drive.

  • First of all u have to check all the Bios settings properly,secondly check your new CMOS battery is new

    and when u save the BIOS setting defaults it enable the floppy drive so disable the floppy drive &don`t save the BIOS setting default

  • Very simple solution:

    1. Remove all your USB flash drives or USB hard drives before starting the PC.


    2. Disable Boot from USB devices from BIOS.

    Have a nice day...


  • u hav any problem to press a key

  • uninstall a drive

  • The book is on the table...

  • fully format your hard disk and then reinstall ur os

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