Car accidents..?

I don't drive cars so I've obviously never been in an accident, but I'm really confused..

If someone was driving a jeep cherokee and apparently drove off of the road and crashed into a tree, and only the back of the car was completely messed up, even the backseats in the photo looked fine, why couldnt the driver survive? If he was 55 and has been in an accident like this before, but survived why couldnt he this time? There is no speed mentioned.


  • Because he might not have been wearing his seatbelt and he hit his head on something causing brain damage. Or perhaps he had a medical problem that caused the accident - every year there are drivers that have heart attacks and crash, he might have been dying before he hit the tree.

    There is no way to know how he died short of an autopsy, but those are two possible reasons.

  • Maybe because there was so little damage to the car. That's the irony. By getting damaged, cars save the lives of the humans. If a car is too rigid/hard and acts like a big rock, then the humans get more injuries, and often die, even though the car seems to have less damage.

  • Perhaps he was dead before he drove off the road. Many single vehicle accidents are caused by the driver's medical problems.

    No two accidents are the same. This time even if he was wearing his seat belt, his internal organs can still be damaged by crashing into his ribs.

  • Some people have heart attacks in their late 30's. I knew someone who they found dead stopped on an off ramp with no damage, although, he was much older.

  • Could be anything. You really didn't provide any details, and I'm guessing you don't have a copy of the death certificate, so the list of possibilities is all over the place.

  • Don't have to be driving to be in an accident.

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