As a female Capricorn, how do I get a Leo ex friend back into my life?

Hi! I was pretty close to a Leo woman but we did have our differences. We both saw eye to eye on how we feel about our goals and being independent ladies. She's extrovert and likes to show off but very insecure inside. I'm introvert and I am insecure as well but I sort of hide it with people but some have picked it up lol. We were friends for a while until the most stupid argument caused us to never speak again. I'm the type to let go of a person and I can go for not talking to them for years but she's exactly the same way ugh. She hurt my feelings and I always apologize even if it's not my fault but not once has she nor do I think she will. I hold grudges too. Should I just let her be or try to rekindle? Thanks if you answer!


  • I suggest that you openly tell her that you miss her and that it just doesn't feel right to not be a part of her life. (so no pressure for it to be the same like it was) The more open you are, the more open she is likely to be towards you...if you approach her alone when she isn't in a rush.


  • Reach out and try, the Leo won't. Prepare for the answer to go either way.

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