do ducks need a tank or cage?

just thought and was wondering this girl i know on fb has a duck does she keep it in a tank or a cage??


  • I had 2 ducks and when they were babie I kept them in a cage with a Tupperware thing filled with water. But once they were like 3 weeks old I just kept them in my backyard with a plastic kiddy pool. They didn't ever fly away. I didn't even have to have their wings clipped.

  • they don't need either you just let them roam around for the day no cages or tanks. but before you get one make sure you have no other pets, a fenced back yard, and some were for it to swim.

  • depends on the breed. but cage does sound better. ducks aren't like simple budgies that swim like fish, y'know.

  • Most likely cage I would thinj

  • a cage with a pond.

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