turning felony into a misdemenior.?

I was convicted of a Felony 7yrs ago"possession of cocaine" I wanted to know what are the chances I can reduced it to a misdemeanor. if any.


  • A felony is a felony. Did you ever appeal your case (I am assuming not).

    Depending on the nature of the felony you "may" be able to get a pardon. You need to ask the governor of your state to do this. Not likely because not enough time has passed. But you can at least inquire. It won't be reduced to a felony but pardoned.

    The chances of that happening are VERY slim. Governors of most states do not pardon many people.

  • None. A felony conviction is a felony conviction. You knew cocaine was illegal and chose to ignore that fact.

  • if you have very deep pockets as in at least $100,000.00 for an attorney led investigation you may be able to find something 'wrong' in the arrest, investigation, your legal counsel etc, or something somewhere which could have been a reversible error, also you could find the police or district attorney manufactured something or whatever

    this would grant you a new criminal trial and you would get a second chance or your conviction could simply be overturned

    this takes much money, time and it can and does work sometimes but then again it also doesn't always work which further strengthens your conviction after such an exhaustive effort

  • The others are right. Once you're convicted, it can't be changed.

    It you've got a bunch of money, you can hire a high dollar attorney to file a petition to the court to expunge your record.

    But, less than 5% of those petitions are ever granted.

    Good luck.

  • Wave your magic wand and.....poof! Nah- it's still a felony. Once you're convicted- it's done!!

  • None.

    Once you are convicted, it stays forever.

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