My professor doesn't update grades online?

There's 8 days left in this class and I have no idea what my grade is. When I asked him in person he said "if you come to class everyday, do the exams, do the research paper/presentation, you'll get a 4.0, and I'm pretty sure everyone in here today is going to get a 4.0". Is that a way of saying "I don't grade your papers"?


No, we turn papers in but don't get them back. The first day of school he said our assignments made good firewood...


  • If you've done what he said, then I would trust that you're getting an A. It sounds like he doesn't believe in grades, or at least doesn't place that much of an emphasis on them.

    I've had a professor that does the same. She doesn't return papers and when she does, they don't have grades on them. She's explained before that she doesn't believe in them and that as long as you do the work, show you're engaging with the material and learning, then you get an A. She believes that we're all on an educational journey together and that she doesn't have the right to assign us grades based on what she perceives to be how much we've learned. It's pretty non-traditional, but I can honestly say I've learned more in the classes I've taken with her than with any other professor. It sounds like your professor is pretty similar, so I seriously wouldn't worry, especially if he told you not to.

  • Your professor sounds like he's lazy or just doesn't care about providing quality feedback to students. Giving everyone in the class an A just for doing the work required of you is a terrible idea. How can you not have an idea of your grade? Have you had any assignments so far that you got feedback on?

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