Julius Thomas TE trade?

I am looking to upgrade my TE position. I currently have Rudolph.

I have a trade Gore and Torrey Smith for JThomas TE and Reggie Bush

My current roster looks like this:


DT, Julio, TSmith, GTate, Boldin

Stacy, Gore, Gerhart, BPierce


Seattle D


Would I be hurting my team by taking Reggie and Thimas for Gore and TSmith?

Best answer gets points!!


  • Go for it. Torrey gonna have a great year but I think golden tate will also. He'll be a solid #3 wr or flex. Gore for Bush seems pretty even and if I had to pick one it would be bush. So in the end, your team won't be losing production by trading away smith and gore, but rather gaining by upgrading Rudolph to JT

  • Reggie Bush? If it's Reggie Bush I say go for it, but grab Joquie Bell as a handcuff. If you can get Julius Thomas in the trade you stated I feel like you are stealing that guys players because Reggie is younger than Gore and still has a lot in the tank and Thomas is a top 2 or 3 TE with Peyton.

  • Which Reggie are you talking about? If it's Reggie Wayne, you can't possibly do this. I get the feeling this is a small league, and you're downgrading too much at RB/WR.

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