My dad's a sexist pig?

He's watching Charm School, where all the girls were camping. SOme girls didn't know what to do or how to set up camp, and he just said "Women can't do anything right." He also agrees that women can't drive or do manly things. He said God broght them into Earth for men's entertainment. I feel like slapping him RITE NOW. I wish I lived with my mom, but she passed away. Im broken down rite now. What should I do?


He was at the living room, im in my room. He actually didn't say it to me. He has his friends over there too.


  • I'm sorry for you, it's your dad and you have to love him (even if you don't want to)... but the truth is...depends on the tone that your father used to say those things.....maybe he's joking..

    Take it easy, and don't let that things bother you.....ignore his behavior... it's the best for you two.....


  • He may have been mouthing off in front of "the guys" and it might not mean too much. I'd suggest getting out and making some older female friends, even elderly women that could use a hand and some company. If he makes those comments to you and it seems like he's TRYING to break you down, don't let him take physical liberties with you.

  • Have a heart to heart chat with him about it later when its just you and him at home. Tell him exactly how you feel and that it hurts your feelings when he says things like that. Honestly, slapping him is not the answer dear, so i hope you were kidding.

  • He's a man. Just have a one on one talk w/ him about the remarks he makes against women makes you feel belittled & inadequate because you are female & he puts females down. Maybe then, he'll change his wording.

  • Slap him. Then ask him if that is what you are for "mens entertainment" See what his reply is.

  • How old are you???

    Make your plans get a job

    go your way.

    don't look back

    Too young?? check with child protective srevices.

  • he probally didn't mean that, he was probally teasing you.

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