do animal cruelty laws apply to sea animals?

some stupid guy i know posted 4 videos of him and his friends burning crabs small lobsters and other shell fish in rubbing alcohol. they were still alive and clearly struggling to get out of the bowl they were being burned in. one of the crabs was really big and could have been used for food i guess. i want to know if they can get in any trouble for this.


okay how do i report it? just call the police at their regular number (not emergency number)


  • Depends on your local laws. You can report it to the authorities and they might do something if it is in breach of the law. All you can do is try. Make sure you copy the videos and the urls, and take a screen cap of the pages as well (include the urls if you can). If you don't know how to save the video download and install software called "download helper" and it allows you to save clips from web pages. That way if he deletes the files you will have evidence that they were live and you can also provide evidence of the acts.

  • Do what vegan biologist says (especially since he may take down the video). Animal cruelty laws do apply. Not because they're torturing the animal (since it's OK to boil them alive for food *rolls eyes*), but because it's an early warning sign for worst things to come (moving on to humans).

  • I think animal cruelty laws do apply to some sea animals because i recently went to Hawaii and i went snorkeling and the people taking us to the reef told us to not touch turtles because we can be fined for harassing the turtle and have a $10,000 ticket if we were caught.

  • In some areas, they do. Japan outlawed whaling except for scientific research which has been used as a loophole for whalers to kill more whales. The point is they did try to protect sea life. I'm sure a few other places have them too, but not so much, unfortunately.

  • Animal cruelty laws? What are those?

    Perhaps you are referring to the illusion of animal cruelty laws known as exploitation-profiting-legislation.

    I am devoting my life to making killing/torturing dogs equivalent to doing the same to man i.e. in active capital punishment nation states one could potentially be executed for hurting dogs.

    But, I would love to drag the people you mentioned down to hell just so I could watch THEM burn.

  • No. They can't. Reason? Humanity these days is TERRIBLE.

    You should see what people do to animals before they're meat you eat everyday.

    Seriously watch this video, it's called "meet your meat" on

    It's crazy, it seems like animal cruelty laws don't even exist there...

  • Cruelty laws don't even apply to cows, pigs, chickens and turkeys, nevermind crabs. The law doesn't care about them :(

  • The clue is in the word "animal".

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